Accessibility View: Digital Accessibility Compliance at Your Fingertips

On August 29, 2023, we visited 4,263 web pages published by the State of Colorado. We found 8,826 accessibility errors.

Want to learn more?

Digital Accessibility Everywhere

Whether it's your public-facing website, your downloadable documents, or internal agency communications, digital accessibility ensures that everyone -- disabled and non-disabled readers alike -- can receive your message loud and clear.

US federal, state, and local government websites and downloadable documents are legally required to conform to WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). US federal agencies must meet the digital accessibility requirements dictated by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. State and local governments must meet the digital accessibility requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Accessibility View helps you track your progress towards these meeting these legal requirements, every step of the way.

Public Webpages

Automated testing helps identify common accessibility errors before they reach the public. But WCAG 2.0 AA conformance requires manual testing by actual humans as well. Accessibility View's "human-in-the-loop" strategy helps you track both the automated and manual testing of your public-facing website.

Internal Webpages

Federal, state, and local laws require that all agency official communication to be accessible. This includes policy announcements, surveys, forms, templates, training materials, and all intranet pages. Accessibility View helps you keep your internal house in order and conformant.

Public Documents

WCAG 2.0 AA conformance applies to more than just web pages. All of your public-facing PDFs, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and more must be fully accessible as well. Accessibility View helps you track all of your public documents through the remediation process.

Full Assessment

Accessibility View tracks more than the accessibility of your web pages and downloadable documents. A full Accessibility View assessment tracks the accessibility maturity of your agency -- from training for content creators to remediation prioritization, organizational change management, and more.

Accessibility View: Are you ready to take compliance to the next level?

Digital accessibility compliance can be a confusing mix of technology standards, legal requirements, and organizational change management. But success is achievable, and you don't have to tackle it all on your own.

Accessibility View is an open source solution that is based on best-of-breed technologies. You can't change what you can't measure, and Accessibility View helps you keep your finger on the pulse of your agency's accessibility journey. If you're looking for a simple to use dashboard to help keep you on course towards full WCAG 2.0 conformance, we're here to help!

Contact Scott Davis at Accessibility View for More Information